9th October 2008

I have, through the wonderful medium of Facebook, got in touch with some very old friends. Friends that I haven't seen for many lifetimes. The first, Old- Friend-From-School, I cared about deeply through our high school years. We were from different circles of friends, but we had one lesson together. We treasured this time, to talk and council and gossip. We spent a fortune on 'rough books' to write our adolescent woes in or make up stories to pass the monotonous lessons. I loved this time with her, I didn't try and be 'cool' or impressive, or anything other than her friend.

The other, Friend-From-My-Childhood, I haven't spoken to really since before we went to separate high schools. I have some outstanding childhood memories thanks to her. The kind of memories you hope your children will have. Of playing in gardens, bike rides through country lanes, scrapped knees, prank phone calls, sleep overs and squabbles over toys. She had a Nintendo, which made me jealous. Her mum had a parrot which scared the hell out of me.

I am very glad to be back in touch with old friends. I find strange parallels between our lives. We are all married, we have kids and homes and pets. I think we possibly have more in common now than we did before. They have brightened my life by wanting to be friends again.

I do worry though. I am terrible at keeping in touch. Do I warn them about this? Let them know that when I don't respond I am not ignoring, simply forgetful and in a rush. I am not as good a friend as I should be to many people. Will taking on more mean I spread my capacity for keeping in touch too thin? I guess I'll just have to try my best.


Anonymous said...

We are all guilty of the same thing ;) As for the other you were always messy, men never understand and to deal with the big d you need to grit your teeth be strong and push yourself through.


Anonymous said...

What C said

S x