9th September 2008

I haven't blogged for 21 days. There is a reason. I have to write about something, but before I can I had to make sure it was the right time and the right people already knew so's not to get offended that I would blog it before telling them. Does that make sense? Good. And there hasn't been anything else to blog about as its consumed all of my available brain space.

So, what is this monumental piece of information? I'm pregnant again. Yes that's right again. I am officially a baby making machine. Now what was it I said not so long ago about the house getting smaller?

I've been through lots of emotions since I found out, denial ("No no I can't be I'll take another test in the morning. Two positive results? Oh crap.") anger ("Crap, Bugger, Bollocks, I've got enough bloody stress I don't need another baby!") fear ("I don't want to be pregnant, giving birth really hurts, and it hasn't been long enough since the last time to forget") and lots of being upset. I'm sure at some stage I'll get to being happy!

So there we are, its out there now. I have released the information to the world.

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