18th November 2008

I’m so tired. No the word tired doesn’t cover it, I’m going to have to look it up in a thesaurus...
Ok; Exhausted, drained, all-in, fatigued – they describe it a little better. To those of you who are male, or have never had a baby, I will try to describe it;

Imagine you’re woken up in the middle of the night, say 3am after going to bed around 12. The person who wakes you up then tells you that you must run a half marathon, then work a full day. After that someone drains you of all white blood cells. Then I think you’d possibly feel this tired.
My bones tingle, I can’t concentrate, I’ve a headache at the front of my skull. And I’m winging again! Must stop that. I love being pregnant, the miracle of life, a brand new existence growing inside me. Yadda yadda yadda. But why does it have to make me feel so damn tired all the time??

I was going to write this long and insightful post about the fact I just watched the 1989 Steve Martin film Parenthood for the first time in 8 years. How I loved it more than I did then and find it really relevant to my life currently. But I can’t be bothered and I’m going to bed. Sorry.

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